Monday, July 8, 2013

Dark Spots on aging

Dark Spots on aging

Those awful age dark spots on the skin and especially in the face begins to appear from the age of 40 and occur most often in areas of our skin that have been increased sun exposure. In this article we will explore this theme including a video from SkinCareTV presenting a very thorough explanation of the problem and a second video from S.C. Castaneda that offers a simple solution to solve the visual aspect of the matter. We invite you to continue reading assuring that these recommendations will be of greatest interest.

  • Age dark spots

    As we get older we are going to develop age dark spots on our skin. There really is no way to avoid that from happening. All we can do is trying to cover it up or fade those age dark spots, so that they are less recognizable to the naked eye. Before you try to fade those age dark spots, you must first take precautions to stop your skin from unnaturally looking older.

  • Skin care most important advice

    The most important advice for skin care is avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs and spending excessive amounts of time under the sun. Believe it or not, these four things are what makes most people look older than they are. Now you can try all the anti-aging creams, pills and cleansers in the world, but you won't see any results with those if you continue to abuse your body with stimulants. When it comes to smoking, alcohol and drugs, they can become quite addictive.

    If you are doing all three then you are going to have a long journey ahead of you just to quit them. Fading your age dark spots will be the last thing on your mind, but once you are able to quit all three then it will help prevent your skin from forming other age dark spots. As for the sun light, you don't have to totally quit going out in the sun. Just don't spend whole afternoons in the sunlight. If you go to the beach simply spend an hour a day for a few times a week. That shouldn't be enough to burn your skin that much, but instead will give it the Vitamin D it needs.

  • Skin spots simple treatment

    Once you have taken preventive action, the next step is to apply treatments to your skin. Before you do, wash your skin without irritating or drying it. Then apply a natural cleansing lotion with 10% glycolic acid. It is a lotion derived from sugar cane and fruit. This should be applied in the morning and at night before you go to sleep. Next, you may notice age dark spots that need to be lightened on your body. Try applying a lotion that is 5% kojic acid on those age dark spots.

    Now it is critical that you continue to stay out of the sun after you apply these lotions. If you are subjected to prolonged sun exposure after applying these lotions then it could cause an increase in skin irritation or take several more weeks before you see any results.

  • Some anti aging more advises

    • To avoid the appearance of signs of aging on the skin is very important to sleep well.
    • Avoid that smoker's smoke around you. The cigar has part that greatly damage skin.
    • Teach your children to use creams to protect and care for the skin since childhood.
    • Try to control or manage stress. Consult a specialist. Stress deplete indelibly the people's skin.
    • Excess makeup is another reason of skin aging.
    • At night never lie with the face uncleaned of the makeup and mistreatment of the day.
    • No pinch or touch your face with dirty hands. Do not treat yourself for acne.
    • Avoid sleeping pills to sleep. Probably you will sleep but your skin will suffer the ravages of chemicals.
    • Drink plenty of water and eat lots of vegetables. This is a natural treatment to protect your skin.
    • Make at least half an hour a day of exercise. Exercise reduces stress and is reflected in the calm of your face.
    • A cold mask on face half an hour before bed will help relieve your skin from the stresses of the day.
    • Do not overwork to exhaustion. This excess will leave indelible marks on your skin.
    • No unnecessary exposure yourself to salt water from the beach. Salt water destroys the freshness of the skin.
    • Use quality makeup. Do not expose your skin to low quality makeup that may make irreparable damage.
    • Beware of botox and plastic surgery operations. More than one person has damaged her face with these practices.

  • Brown Spots, Sun Spots, and Age Spots

    This video by SkinCareTV present a very thorough explanation of the age spots problem.

  • Fading age spots & Face whitening

    This video by S.C.Castaneda, "Flawless Face: How to cover dark circles, freckles and age spots", explains how to use a light quality makeup to fade age spots and whitening the skin.

Image courtesy of Ambro at